
quentin blake's

"Quentin Blake’s Box of Treasures" is the title of a new animated series of specials on the BBC, based on six of the celebrated English illustrator’s beloved books: Jack and Nancy, Zagazoo, Loveykins, Snuff, Angel Pavement and Mrs Armitage on Wheels. Produced in two years, the series directed by Gerrit Bekers was dedicated to perfecting the loose, warm style of Blake's world that is so beloved and recognizable.


    gerrit bekers
    Whether it’s on a piece of paper, a wall or a screen, visual communication is what Belgium-based animation director Gerrit Bekers believes in. “A picture is worth a thousand words” might as well be tattooed in bold letters on his forehead. Originally an art director and designer for music videos, TV series, commercials, motion graphics and feature-films, Gerrit was lured to join the company Creative Conspiracy by his addiction to the charm of storytelling, and thrives off experimenting, and bringing his visual content to life. On top of his bucket list, besides playing petanque in the South of France, is directing the next “Alien” movie.